Good morning, blogbuds!
I've been a busy little bee this weekend. I'm still working on the bedroom, so I won't show you finished pics until it's done, and I get my new curtains and my new bedcover. Oh, how I hated to spend x-tra $$ on these essentials, but I thought I'd do my part to stimulate the economy (is that rationalization, or what??!!). The curtains I ordered from Piper Classics. I really spent hours looking at websites for curtains, because I wasn't at all sure what I wanted. I have to be able to close the curtains at night so that my neighbors don't get a cheap thrill, and sometimes in the daytime as well since I get direct sunlight into the bedroom. So I finally opted for these:

The curtains will be here in a few days, but the cover won't be here for 6 weeks.
Someone once said that you really don't see something until you see it in a picture, and that's true when it came to me and my bedroom! I didn't like how uncoordinated it felt. So, I did some repainting and some primming. I'm not fond of this dresser, but I need it to store my clothes (!!). Also moved my absolute favorite TS find from last year over to the other wall. And one of the new candle sconces is up, and balances out the other TS sconce from a few weeks ago.

Here's a closer look at the redo of the two sconces.
And, I am so proud of this little idea! You know I'm always drooling over jug lamps, but they can be pretty expensive. I took a smaller jug with a wider mouth and did this:
The other redos came out pretty nice,too! I decided to use the candle box in the kitchen to store my coffee, which is always out slopping up the counter. I repainted it a brownish-black to keep it looking aged.

I took some hot glue and those lamp-makers you see in craft stores and waaalllaaahhh! Now I need a nicer lamp shade to match. I need to stop at AC Moore in my travels today, so I want to see if they have other sizes that may fit a real jug. Lets see, what else did I do? Moved some things around in the living room...
Remember this bowl? Finally got some time to sand it down...

So that's about it for now -- when I finish the rest of my projects, I'll show them to you!

I wanted to tell all my animal lover blog buds about this adorable show that was on Nature last week (missed it) and then I happened to see it yesterday on cable. It is SOOO cute! I am adding the link for it on my sidebar (once I figure out how to do that!) -- you can see it online. Talks about the incredible bond between cat and dog people and their animals. It was great and you'll love it! You should see these adorable animals!

And I found this great picture at the concession shop which really grabbed my heart. It's a pic of a nurse (c 1908) in a Good Housekeeping ad for some soap... look at the beautiful detail!
I know it doesn't quite fit my prim-ness, but being a nurse, I have always loved old objects from the history of nursing. They reveal the changing culture in so many ways.

Well, I had better get my tush moving and get to work. Hope everyone has a great day! It's r-e-a-l-l-y cold and windy today, but we never got any snow yesterday. Guess it got stuck out in the Midwest and up in New England! Stay warm and toasty!
I can't wait to see your boudoir done! I can't believe you are making us wait for 6 WEEKS! Are you CRAZY!
ReplyDeleteI love your prim redo's. You make mine look like garbage!
Hi Terry, Your bedroom is gonna be gorgeous. I love what you've picked out so far. I have those same curtains :) Love 'em.
ReplyDeleteI have wanted to get a coverlet for so long, they are expensive but so beautiful! I can't wait to see your room..........
Of course I love all your re-dos...
they always turn out just prim-perfect.
Have a great day.