Gee, wonder what she bought this time? hmmm, too big for a book...must be somethin' I can jump on!

Oh WOW! It's her new bed cover!!! Great! Something new for me to sharpen my claws on !!! Awww, ain't it nice how she always thinks of me?!

The other redos came out pretty nice,too! I decided to use the candle box in the kitchen to store my coffee, which is always out slopping up the counter. I repainted it a brownish-black to keep it looking aged.
I took some hot glue and those lamp-makers you see in craft stores and waaalllaaahhh! Now I need a nicer lamp shade to match. I need to stop at AC Moore in my travels today, so I want to see if they have other sizes that may fit a real jug. Lets see, what else did I do? Moved some things around in the living room...
Then I had to do some rearranging around the fireplace... (hmmm, thinking about re-staining the chair which is like 50+ years old and was in my brother's bedroom since he was a tot...) and look at my sweet hairball posing so nicely...
and then the mantle needed some thinning out...
My case of tweakitis is getting out of control! Will need to see the tweak doctor (aka the thrift shop!) Have a good day -- gotta get back to work! Do any of the rest of you have acute tweakitis or do I have an isolated case?? :>)