Thursday, April 16, 2009

A tweak here...a tweak there...

Well, blogbuds, when my laptop crashed on Saturday, I didn't initially realize that I lost ALL of my pics -- boo hoo! I have just got to remember to back up stuff -- this has happened to me so many times, you'd think I would have learned my lesson by now. So, off I was with the camera to take some new ones, and do a little tweaking here and there.Not sure if there's anything 'too' new here, but here's some clearer pics, anyway.
a little stove board redo...

and a little tweak to the dining room...

and my mantle is just never done...

and the GW boxes are done... not too crazy about how these turned out. I was tired when I did them. The ones below came out much better.
I refinished the desk and I like how the butcher block evened out. I had spilled everything you can name on it! This looks much nicer!

I'm determined to get this wall painted this weekend. I'm thinking of a warm beige. It's still that old 'country blue' and there are only two walls left to finish. This one... and..

the one behind the fireplace. It will take longer to move the library of books out of the way than it will to paint!

Remember the book-keep I found in the closet? I had to take off the books for the guys to fix my closet door, so I snapped a pic -- bare.

I found this cute little pewter mug at the tag shop...

And that's it for today! The birds are chirping, and the sun is finally out after a week of cold rain, so I'm off and running. Even the lazy boy is sticking his nose outside! Nice warm breeze...

Hope everyone is having a good day and a good week! It's almost the weekend! Ya-hooooo!!!


  1. Your stove board looks great. I love seeing how people decorate them and yours looks prim perfect!!

  2. Terry, Have fun painting! It's all the prep work I don't like; moving items, taping off trim, putting down the drop cloths, etc. But when you are done there's nothing like a freshly painted room.

    What a picture of the cat - he looks like he weighs a ton! Frito is sitting by the back door, I have the screen open for him and his nose is working over time. I know what he's thinking too - "If I could just escape this house I'd be free". I keep telling him he'd be sorry! ~Ann

  3. Hi Terry...sorry to hear you lost all your pics..been there done that...all your stuff looks so the stove board...DH cut one for me today I think I still want to added the sides to it...but it is big...
    thanks for sharing all your goodies with us...
    Prim Blessings...

  4. Hi, I just found your blog. Lovely!
    Please visit mine too. I'm a primitive rug hooker from Missouri.

  5. Terry,
    Everything looks great, love the stove board. You will have a time moving all of those books. The prep work is more work than the painting. Have a great weekend.

  6. Everything looks wonderful Terry!
    That's a bummer that ya lost all your pictures.
    I love that pewter mug.
    Good Luck with your painting...can't wait to see it ;)

    Have a beautiful weekend.

  7. I am so loving your home!
    I can't even choose a favorite....usually I can!
    The warm weather is here too...and it feels fantastic to get out and have the sun shine on my face (we have had rain and clouds for days!)
    Have a great weekend!
    Let us know what color you choose...I have a horrible time picking out paint! It takes me forever!


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